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Can QHHT be done Remotely?

Writer's picture: Katie ChristensenKatie Christensen

Dolores Cannon speaking into a microphone

Can QHHT be done remotely over Zoom? This is a big question for prospective clients who are unable to travel, and an even bigger question for those who have been told it's not allowed but see their nearest practitioner doing it anyway. In this article, we'll cover what the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy has to say about remote QHHT sessions and online past-life Regressions, as well as what is actually happening behind the scenes.

WWDD (What Would Dolores Do)

Dolores Cannon has never conducted remote QHHT sessions. While the vast majority of the sessions we read about in Conversations with Nostradamus or Convoluted Universe occurred before Zoom was a thing, she did live long enough to be a part of the discussion.

Dolores was adamant that her students not conduct sessions over the internet for many reasons, all with a focus on protecting the interests of the client. By the end of her life, she had conducted thousands and thousands of sessions. Anything you can imagine, she's been there, done that, and found her way through.

facebook screenshot from dolores cannon facebook group
QHHA's position on remote QHHT sessions

Although uncommon, there are instances where clients go straight into a traumatic scene. Even more rare is that they go into a traumatic scene while being somnambulistic, which requires very specific and immediate instruction from the practitioner. When a client is somnambulistic, they have essentially surrendered their current personality so effectively that they become the identity of the lifetime in review, completely unaware they're laying in a bed in a hypnosis session. There was specifically one part of my training in the Level 2 QHHT Course where practitioners are thrown into a situation where the client starts screaming uncontrollably. You have to apply your skills to take control of the situation and protect the client.

Dolores made it very clear that above all else, the client must not be harmed, instilling this lesson in all of her students even through today. She firmly believed that since the possibility of that happening was completely unpredictable the risk outweighed the benefit of conducting the sessions remotely, and therefore forbade her students from doing this. This is why there is absolutely no training provided by the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy (QHHA) on how to conduct online sessions. The important thing to understand is that zero QHHT practitioners are trained in how to do this safely.

The only exception to this rule is in group regressions and guided meditations. Dolores sold a past-life regression DVD (which is available as a digital download here) knowing that clients were never brought deep enough to become somnambulistic. QHHA does in fact allow practitioners to conduct past-life regressions online because there is no use of the QHHT script, which is what brings the clients into a deep trance. So if you see a practitioner advertising online regressions, know that Dolores did in fact endorse this because it does not have the risks of vicarious traumatization that QHHT sessions have.

screenshot from facebook dolores cannon regressions
QHHA's position on remote group regressions

So Why Are Practitioners Doing it Anyway?

I personally believe the universe/our guides/our Higher Selves, or whatever you wish to call it, attracts and allows situations into our lives to gauge what lessons have been completed and which courses need to be added to the curriculum, so to speak. Practitioners are human, too, and are not exempt from the Universe tempting them with short cuts. What is seen as one action may be in integrity for one person, and outside of integrity for another. So how can we find out which practitioners are doing this ethically and which are not?

Let's first discuss the practitioners who are, in fact, breaching their responsibility. There are inexperienced practitioners out there who, by offering hypnosis remotely, are taking unnecessary risks that come at their client's expense. If you have a practitioner you're thinking of working with who offers sessions online, I suggest asking them what modality they're offering, if they have had specific training on how to handle internet disconnections, and their experience assisting people with trauma long-distance.

Here are my answers to those questions:

Q: What Modality Do You Offer Remotely?

A: I do not offer QHHT online, the modality I'm qualified to conduct remote sessions for is BQH.

Q: Do you think there's a possibility we could lose connection?

A: Yes, it definitely can happen. Actually when I was a client laying down for hypnosis myself, it happened to me my very first time trying it remotely, but it happened at the very end. I can't speak to all the modalities out there but I do know BQH practitioners are specifically trained on how to handle internet disruptions. This is something I will discuss with you the day-of your session, so you know exactly what to expect from me in the event that happens. However, if you have any hesitation whatsoever about doing a remote session then there is usually a good reason for that. We should give credit to that inner wisdom and hold off a bit until you can get to me in-person.

Q: Do you have experience talking people through traumatic events long-distance?

A: Before I did this, I used to work with airline crewmembers who had just experienced a work-related traumatic event. I was trained by the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF) to support crisis intervention for both individuals and groups. Individuals were usually always helped remotely as the timeliness was crucial to their recovery. When it came to groups, the ICISF only trained us how to do this in-person. However, as we all know, the pandemic changed things as the active Chair of the Critical Incident Response team, I was faced with some real hard situations. At the end of the day, we felt it would be a bigger risk to not intervene than it would be to try it out remotely. This was something that had not been done by us, the airlines, or the ICISF before. If we hadn't thought outside of the box, then we would have missed out on a huge opportunity to get help to people in their time of need. As time went on, we began collaborating with another airline and figured out a system. I eventually turned that system into an additional training module to get my half of the team caught up to speed on how to handle high-risk affective states over Zoom. So yes, I do have experience with it. In some cases it is better than in-person, and in others it's not. At the end of the day, it really depends on what your needs are and what option best suits those needs. My upmost priority is serving you in the very best way I can.

If by the end of this discussion with your practitioner, your gut feeling is that something is off, then that's a sign this might not be the practitioner for you and it may be in your best interest finding someone else to work with. On the flipside, if their answers have you feeling even more confident about the process, that tells you you're in the right hands.

I personally had a remote hypnosis session with a practitioner who, although trained in QHHT, did not use the QHHT script to help me access an altered state. What was fascinating about my session though, was that within 30 seconds of ending hypnosis my internet completely dropped. Isn't it funny how I can be completely connected for 90 minutes straight, but the moment the connection is no longer needed it gets let go?

When we reconnected, the practitioner excitedly pointed out that my intention for the session was so strong it influenced the modem.

At this point in my career, I know many holistic hypnosis practitioners who practice remotely. One of these practitioners shared information that was channeled during a client's remote session regarding a lost internet connection while the client was under hypnosis. The response that was given to them was a humbling reminder:

Your beliefs contradict themselves. You believe us to be orchestrating a divine plan, but don't recognize that disconnecting him from you for the exact length of time we did was also part of this plan that is in service of his highest good. You underestimate us. You underestimate yourself.

Although different from my experience, the lesson is the same. There is a reason for everything. Even when things don't go our way at first, with enough patience and trust we eventually experience the growth we are meant to as the highest good is always woven into every experience.

What Modalities Are There Besides QHHT that offer remote sessions?

 While you can only become certified in QHHT via the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy, there are many alternative methods out there with a similar intent; to empower people to connect with higher realms with the intent of healing beyond the limitations of logic.

A Screenshot from Alba Weinman's website showing different hypnosis modalities
A Screenshot from Alba Weinman's website showing different hypnosis modalities

In BQH, which is a separate modality I chose to pair with my QHHT certification, the founder Candace Craw-Goldman believes it's important for a modality to adapt to the changes in the world, and with technology being a big part of the changes, keeping it at arms length isn't the solution.

Candace describes herself as one of Dolores Cannon's first Level 3 students. She taught right along side of her, and the two had a very close relationship. Candace lovingly points out that they had different opinions on this, but that was because Dolores's stance on her use of technology was "if it works, don't touch it". To her point, even Dolores admits in several of her books she was a stubborn about switching over from her black tape recorder to a digital recorder and laughed about it in hindsight. However, it's my belief that Dolores's caution was always founded in wanting to protect her client, protect the recordings, and protect the relationship with "them" as the beings she would communicate with chose her for her integrity.

BQH founder photo from quantum healers website

My Personal Stance on Remote Sessions

When it comes to whether a practitioner is qualified to offer remote sessions, it's my opinion that just because you can doesn't mean you should. I personally believe training does not constitute qualification, even with BQH. While remote sessions are inherently no riskier than in-person sessions to a client's wellbeing, as they do not increase the probability of a traumatic memory resurfacing, they do come with a higher probability of interruptions, distractions, and technical issues. To me, it really depends on your practitioner's ability to handle the unexpected swiftly, calmly, and efficiently so as not to distract from your experience.

The BQH organization does not regulate how many sessions someone must have before offering the modality remotely; they leave it up to the practitioner to determine this for themselves. However, it's important to note other organizations that do monitor session count find that anyone with less than 25 sessions under their belt are not yet considered practitioners, but rather interns. Granted, there are people who bring A LOT to the table even as interns, but I find it unethical for someone with this little experience to offer remote sessions with rare exception. You never know what curve balls will come your way. The only way to handle them without skipping a beat is to be completely proficient in your practice, something that simply takes time.

Now, you may have suspected this already but the truth is, there are QHHT practitioners who provide remote sessions. I believe this became a thing around the time of the pandemic, when desperate clients were calling from hospital rooms looking for help, and practitioners found themselves in a similar situation that my Critical Incident Response team did -- which is the bigger risk, to let them go unhelped in their hour of need or find a way to make it work even though it's not ideal. Though this is against the QHHA rules, I have heard that the QHHA has given specific and limited access to these select individuals to do this, because of their qualifications -- which I whole-heartedly support. Although there is no formal training through QHHT, the practitioners who do this are most often trained in other methods of hypnosis, and are extremely experienced in QHHT. I believe these specific people are upholding their ethical obligation to their client and QHHA because of who they are, their background, and the experience they bring to the room.

While it is entirely up to you whether to try a spiritual hypnosis session remotely, it's always important to find a practitioner who is following their modality's guidelines, doesn't take short-cuts, and is in it for the right reasons.

Katie Christensen is a past-life regressionist, trained in BQH and Level 2 QHHT. She also practices Crystalline Soul Healing for clients, and hosts the Meetup Group Awakening Through Explorations of Consciousness. To find out more, visit

1 comentário

22 de abr. de 2024

I disagree with Dolores and people not being able to do QHHT online. Its frustrating because there are no therapies using this method near me. I'd like a remote session. Please contact me for either BQH or QHHT. email address. Thank you.


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