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Altered States of Consciousness: The Key to Unlocking Mystical Experiences

Writer's picture: Katie ChristensenKatie Christensen
keyhole shape tunnel with water

Hypnotic, or altered, states are a natural part of life. Without much effort, we experience this in the shower, watching TV, and daydreaming. However, with practice, we can use our mind's ability to access altered states on demand. But why does that matter?

"Human beings have been designed with a biological mechanism enabling us to have spiritual experiences" -- Alissa Hirshfeld-Flores, M.A.

Functions of Brain Wave States

Throughout the day, we transition through different brainwave states: beta, alpha, theta, and delta. Beta is the brainwave state with the most variation (14-30Hz) when measured with an EEG, and is associated with alertness and mental activity. Alpha exhibits calmer brainwave activity, where the individual feels calm, lucid, and relaxed (9-13Hz). The theta brainwave state is what we are in when we begin receiving sounds and visuals to dreams but aren’t quite asleep yet (4-8Hz). Delta is the brainwave state linked with deep, dreamless sleep, exhibiting slow wave pattern between 1-3 Hz.

When attempting to tap into a more expanded consciousness, your job isn't to close your eyelids and wait for something to happen -- you actually have to allow yourself to relax back into where the information is in order to tap into your inner guidance system. What I've gathered through my experience as both a meditator and hypnotist is that the information first becomes available in the alpha state and becomes clearer as the brainwaves slow down. In other words, it may start out subtle and foggy but as you continue relaxing the details become far more vivid.

Below is a chart that really helped me understand brainwaves, the mental and physical characteristics of those cycles per second, and a visual graph of what those different states look like. As your hypnosis practitioner, I look for these signs to tell how deep you are, assist you in relaxing further, and then hold you in theta so you don't drift off to sleep.

chart of brainwave states by bruce goldberg
Chart of Brainwave States | by Bruce Goldberg

Functions of Brain Hemispheres

Isn't it mysterious how we experience duality in this dimension, and coincidentally have two hemispheres? Just as we see reflected in the outer world, our brains work better when the two sides can work together.

The functions of the left-brain are that of logic, analyzing, figuring out, thinking, rationalizing, strategizing, and putting things into place. The functions of the right-brain are all about creativity, imagination, metaphors, symbolism, and thinking beyond the constraints of logic.

Generally, society is set-up in a way that rewards heavy left-brain usage. Since the vast majority of the population spends most of their day in left-brain activity, it can be hard at first to even remember how to use your right-brain. Metaphorically speaking, the imagination of the right-brain is an atrophied muscle that can feel frustrating to exercise. This is part of the reason why some struggle at first to give credit to the information coming from the right-hemisphere of the brain.

Left and Right hemispheres of brain
Kittisak_Taramas | Getty Images

Accessing altered states is a birthright. Every single person is capable and can do it. It may take some work, but I have never encountered someone who couldn't get through to the other side of their learning curve as long as they didn't give up.

The Connection Between Brainwaves and Hemispheres

For quite some time, I'd been trying to understand the relationship between brainwave states and the two hemispheres. I spent hours researching this, trying to find something to link the two, but could tell there was still something missing. Ironically, I was only able to discover the correlation when I stopped researching outside of myself, and turned my attention inward in meditation.

I asked for guidance and was shown the image of an elevator with just up and down arrows. The understanding was given to me that the left hemisphere takes you up and the right hemisphere takes you down in brainwave activity. That's why when you're getting vivid images in meditation but start to analyze them, it becomes more subtle and you have to work at getting the clarity back by letting go of the "up" button (left-brain activity) and pressing the "down button" (by activating right-brain activity).

elevator buttons

Eventually, if you keep holding the "down" button you'd end up asleep (pro-tip for those with insomnia). So the trick for me as a practitioner is to hold the "down" button long enough for you to get into an altered state where information is flowing, and then hold both the "up" and "down" button at the same time to keep you there preventing you from going into delta.

The Possibilities of a Fully Activated Brain

In September of 2022, I visited Sacsayhuamán in Cusco Peru for the first time. Sacsayhuamán is home to some of the heaviest magnetic megalithic stones on the planet, the largest weighing over 125 tons. To put that into perspective, some of these carved and carefully set stones actually weigh more than a space shuttle.

The reason I bring this up now, is because these stones were used by the ancients to harmonize the two hemispheres of the brain which would induce a naturally occurring, non-drug psychedelic DMT experience. All they would have to do is simply sit near the stone and still their mind. You can watch a brief video on it here.

DMT stands for dimethyltryptamine, as is widely known as the spirit molecule because of its presence during spiritual experiences like during birth and death, dreams and astral travel, shamanic journeys and hypnosis.

While it is unclear whether non-drug psychedelic DMT experiences are induced as a result of an increase in its synthesis or a decrease in the monoamine oxidase that breaks DMT down (as described in a publication found here), the result of unmetabolized DMT leads to an incredibly immersive altered state characterized by elaborate and vivid imagery, sounds, feelings, and sensations where the experiencer has very real interactions with alternate realities. The megalithic stones are not causing the DMT psychedelic experience, but rather assisting your body in a natural process it's capable of all on its own.

In Rick Strassman's book DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor's Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences, his findings conclude that the human body is not just capable of but designed to process mystical experiences.

My theory as to how this happens is that brainwave states directly regulate our body's chemistry and indirectly alter the activity of our neurotransmitters, and as a result we are better able to shift our sensory perceptions from external to internal input, the slower our brainwave activity. I suspect that around the time an individual reaches the theta brainwave state, DMT becomes more stable which sustains the vividness of the experience and reliability of the connection to higher realms.

Though there is very little research on how neurochemistry is affected by hypnotic and hypnogogic states, I believe this is exactly what's happening with my clients in their hypnosis sessions. This is precisely what drew me to Dolores Cannon's technique. I believe she knew she was onto something big, and that scale of potential is what she was referring to when she said, "Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination.We have only scratched the surface of what is possible.

By activating the right-brain until a client shows signs they are in deep alpha, then simultaneously holding the "left-brain" and "right-brain" buttons, we essentially sync the hemispheres to initiate the pineal gland's role in synthesizing DMT. We know we've reached the theta state and accomplished the activation of the non-drug induced DMT experience when the client's inner experience takes on a life of its own, with no doubts as to what they're seeing due to its vivid and realistic qualities. Once the maximum vividity is achieved, that is when we facilitate a connection with the guides, the Higher Self, and the Superconscious to foster healing and expansion of the individual's consciousness. There have been others who, while in session, have used the full power of the brain to instantly download foreign languages, channel schematics, and discover new technologies. This not only leads to incredible transformation for the individual, but also opens a door for us to transform society as well. After we move beyond the necessity of personal healing, which can be achieved in as little as one QHHT, BQH, or SCHH session, I believe anyone can work with the thousands of practitioners around the world to channel through higher frequency technology, political, educational, and healthcare systems, as well as other quality of life improvements to raise the consciousness of the collective and ultimately change society into something far greater.

Final Thoughts

When we remember how to tap into altered states of consciousness, we can utilize both hemispheres of our brain to influence our brainwave activity. Our brainwave activity influences our neurochemistry. Our neurochemistry is what enables us to have mystical experiences. Our mystical experiences allows us to understand who we are, where we are, and why we are here. It's the key to not only raising our own consciousness, but collective consciousness.

"Anything is possible. You are only limited by your own imagination.” -- Dolores Cannon

Whether you resonate with quantum healing hypnosis as a means to channel information, or not, doesn't matter. What's important is that you follow whichever path that feels right for you, and learn to access your inner guidance system. The world needs it!

If you're interested in working with me so we can explore what's possible together, follow this link to book a session.

megalithic stones in cusco peru

Katie Christensen is a teacher on Insight Timer, a past-life regressionist, and hypnotist trained in Dolores Cannon's technique (QHHT) and Beyond Quantum Healing. She also hosts the sacred tours on her Events Page and the Meetup Group Awakening Through Explorations of Consciousness. To find out more, visit


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